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Let me welcome you to UIM International! UIM International was originally United Indian Missions, Inc., formally organized in February 1956. At the time, the team consisted of two young missionary couples and three executive committee board members. Soon, an additional team couple was added, and UIM was pressing forward with the Gospel under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The original vision was to expand indigenous church-planting and indigenous leadership development among Native peoples of the Southwest United States. Gradually, the Lord led others to serve in additional regions of the United States.

Over the years, the Lord has sovereignly led to expanded regions in British Columbia, Canada; regions of north, central, and southern Mexico; and, in more recent decades, Quebec, Canada; and Cuba. UIM is blessed with an increase in indigenous missionaries as the fruit of the ministry. Some are now serving in regions of Central Asia and northern India.

During UIM’s expanding ministry to indigenous peoples of North America, the Lord has seen fit to diversify the ministry through dynamic youth camp ministries, Theological Education by Extension, and aviation services to many regions of Mexico. We are also blessed to partner with other like-minded ministries in each region.

We continue to press forward in the work of the ministry that the Lord established nearly seven decades ago, using simple and humble servants of His choosing. As such, we are inspired to “abound in the work of the Lord” in the same spirit.

We are facing some of the most challenging times of ministry as our world is experiencing unprecedented events. Yet, with courage and fullness of faith in Christ, by grace, we press on in the cause of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about UIM International. If you’d like to learn more, please contact me at dfredericks@uim.org. I would count it a privilege to correspond with you!

Courageously and Faithfully Forward!

In Christ Jesus … ever Faithful,

Dan P. Fredericks, Executive Director - 1 Corinthians 15:58

P.S. Take a moment to view the video overview below.