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Broken Arrow Bible Ranch

Not Just a Summer Camp

Purchased in 1965 as Summer Park Ranch, God has used Broken Arrow Bible Ranch (BABR) to bring countless Native American youth to the Way, the Truth and the Life. Because of our committed staff and supporters, BABR is a year-round light in the surrounding community. Contact BABR at 505.778.5526 if you or your church is considering utilizing the spacious facility for your next event!

Whether you’re an individual wanting to serve for the summer or a group looking to help on a work project or minister during a week of camp, we have numerous opportunities available! Fill out a contact form to get started.

Click here to go to the Broken Arrow Bible Ranch website.

Rock Nest Ranch

Est. 1974

RNR is located at Dunalter Lake in the area of Barrett Hat, a hill that the First Nations described as a rock nest. Dunalter Lake was a popular stopping point for the wagons as they traveled to and from the villages of Hazelton to Houston. Many people enjoyed a stop at the lake to sip some Pine Peelings Tea.

In the spring of 1974 five bunkhouses and the dining hall were moved to the Dunalter Lake site. With the girls in a bunkhouse and the guys in tents, RNR began its camping program. That summer marked the beginning of camping at Rock Nest Ranch. For the first three years there was no running water in camp.

Rock Nest Ranch now enjoys fifteen cabins, an A-frame gym, modern shop facilities, a central shower house (with running water), and a new lodge. For over thirty five years Rock Nest Ranch has provided a Bible camp experience to thousands of youth from villages in central British Columbia. The joys and struggles of life are lived out at Rock Nest each summer. As God has changed many lives during their time at Rock Nest, He will continue to change lives in the future.

Click here to go to the Rock Nest Ranch website

UIM Alpha and Omega Bible Camp

Founded in the backyard of Oscar and Elena León in Oaxaca City, Alpha and Omega was officially inaugurated on July 6, 2013. Alpha and Omega Bible Camp is located in San Miguel Albarradas in the mountains about three hours’ drive from Oaxaca City, Mexico. The primary focus of Alpha and Omega Bible Camp has been Native Mexican villages. So far, children’s and young adult camps have brought together four dialects of Zapotec and two dialects of Chatino-speaking peoples. We praise God for how many children and teens become Christ-followers and take the Gospel back to their homes!

Oliver Speaking_2.jpgUIM Missionary Oliver Gallardo Speaking to Campers